Sunday, January 9, 2011

And the winner is....

Here is my Christmas card for 2010. I really do like how they turned out I loved the bright colors I even did my tree in bright colors:)

Christmas Card for 2010

I wanted to start my Christmas cards early for 2010 Christmas. I made 4 in Novemeber to see which I liked best and which I wanted to make 50 of. I wanted to be done with these in November so I could get them out and everyone would have our new address, this did not work. I did get them out before Christmas but I learned a few things this year. Next year (this year) I will start making them in September and I am cutting my list down. Here are all 4 cards.

Where has Tori been???

Well apparently I am not very good at posting on my blog. Since it has been 2 years since I have posted anything and I forgot my password (that was fun to recover). I will start posting a project at least once a month this year. This should not be too hard to do since for the past 2 years I have been creating just not posting so even if I dont have something new I will have pictures of something old:) This is my goal lets hope it works out for me.
Wish me luck:)