Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Shoe Thank You Cards

These are some thank you cards I made. I can only post 5 pictures at a time so there will be 2 post for these.

Shoe Thank You Cards Cont.

The rest of the thank you cards I made.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

All my cards

Since I am so slow getting my cards posted on here if you would like to see them you can look here
I do manage to keep that up to date. So far all I have added on here is the stuff from Rachelle's baby shower that was this past weekend (in Atlanta). The shower was a big success and it was great seeing everyone. I realized how much I miss it there now.

Well thanks for looking and I will work on getting more cards posted:)

Diaper Cake

I also made a diaper cake for Rachelle's Baby Shower this is the first one I have ever made and it was alot easier than I thought.

Shower favors

I wanted something different for the favors for Rachelle's baby shower. I found websites that had personalized Hershey kisses but you had to have a order of 500 and I knew I didn't need that many. Finally I found a website that had just the labels for sale. After I saw one of my options was the baby feet I had to get them. You can check them out here:

I made these boxes to put the favors in and I think they turned out great (of course they matched the invites and thank you notes). I made 26 of these:)

Baby Shower Thank You Cards

As a special gift for Rachelle (my best friend) I made these thank you cards and I made a box to put them in I wanted them to match the invites so I used the same paper.

Baby Shower Invites

So I decided I could make the invitations for my best friend's baby shower this is what I came up with. They were alot of work but I love how they turned out. I made 42 of these.